Friday, June 20, 2008

Ahem -- [Rich]

Mayonnaise, er, I mean, Man-aise, anyone?

OMG. You're too much, Rich.


David Marcoe said...

What's interesting is that a British commercial co-opts an American cultural staple.

Contributors said...

And by cultural staple, you're of course referring to homosexuality.

Also, thanks are in order, David. I know DH (and all of us) appreciated your efforts on Libertas and elsewhere to make sure everyone knew where we had landed.

Good man.

Outlaw 13 said...

Saw that commercial on O'Rielly last night or was it the night before that...I forget, anyway he didn't really have much to say about it other than he couldn't figure it out...I guess meaning he couldn't figure out why they would do an ad like that.

Contributors said...

Outlaw, I'm not sure either. I'm sure it's meant to be progressive, a bit shocking, humorous, etc. All of which are, obviously, subjective. Can't see it airing here (apparently it's an "UK-only" ad), but who knows. I'm often surprised by what I see these days, ha.

monkey said...

I dont get it, and im british. Is it a gay joke because if it is, its shit. i could think of plenty better ones.

Daniel said...

Glad I don't buy any Heinz. If they think this is what their marketing needs, a couple of guys smooching, they are sadly mistaken.

Troy said...

Is there a hiatus going on or a reboot?

Mrs. Right said...

Erm, don't really get this either. It shows Robert DeNiro being the Mum, which I guess is supposed to be funny because he often plays tough guys.


B.J. Bethel said...

Hellooooo? Anyone home??????? Out getting Man-aise? God, I hope not.